2024 State Legislative Session

by | Jan 31, 2024 | News

Iowa IPL is monitoring legislation relating to the environment and climate action, creating resilient communities, and strengthening sustainable living.  Check out what bills we have declared on or are tracking.

SF 455 – Oppose (Formerly SF 34)

A bill for an act relating to the regulation of topsoil and storm water at construction sites.

This bill would restrict the ability for local jurisdictions in cities and counties across Iowa from adopting stricter regulations than what the state permits for stormwater runoff infrastructure in new development, as well as topsoil management at construction sites. Iowa IPL recognizes that “a one size fits all” approach is not a viable solution for communities and landscapes across the state, and that this would be further putting pressure on the safety of Iowa’s waterways. Learn more about SF 455 here.


2/07/24: Placed on calendar.

HF 2554 – Monitor/Undecided

(Formerly HSB 658)

An act relating to electric power generation, energy storage, and transmission facility ratemaking principles, and including applicability provisions.

Transparency and accountability within utilities ensures fairness for Iowans. This bill addresses the Iowa Utility Board’s authority to require utility companies to engage in long term planning, which may help push for more fair and just electric rate affordability for Iowa customers.


2/15/24: Introduced, placed on calendar.

SF 2244 – Monitor/Undecided

An act relating to rate-regulated electric utilities and integrated resource plans.

Integrative resource planning can help re-order and organize our systems from the bottom up, placing transparency and equity at the forefront of the issue. This practice can help bring ratepayer and environmental interests together. Clean renewable energy is not only more reliable than its counterparts, but offers a more affordable cost as well. Iowans deserve a planning process where everyone has the chance to weigh in.


2/15/24: Committee report, recommending passage.

SSB 3169 – Monitor/Undecided

A bill for an act relating to the siting and operation of certain wind energy conversion facilities.

This bill opens a discussion around providing statewide standards for siting wind turbines in Iowa. Although Iowa is a national leader in wind energy, there’s been a growing struggle throughout the state in the last several years to address siting wind energy projects. Properly sited and operated wind turbines can boost environmental and economic benefits for our communities. Engaging in open discussions to address the concerns of local impact brought by wind projects can help ease the siting process moving forwards.


2/13/24: Subcommittee recommends amendment and passage.

HSB 646 & SSB 3163 – Oppose

An Act relating to tort liability involving pesticides.

Active in both the House and Senate, this bill would actively protect pesticide companies, providing them immunity from lawsuits that could hold them accountable for health damages. Research clearly shows that long term exposure to pesticides found in Iowa’s water and air is linked to various cancers and other diseases. Pesticide companies do not provide labels on their products that contain appropriate warnings of major health hazards for consumers. The people of Iowa deserve a safe environment to live in, where their health is taken seriously.


Senate: 2/19/24: Committee report, approving bill.

House: 2/07/24: Subcommittee recommends passage. Vote Total: 2-1.

Other Environmental Issues Iowa IPL is Tracking:

Why Iowa Needs the Building Code Advisory Council

Empowering Iowa’s Communities: The Role of Renewable Energy Siting Guidelines

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