You are invited to join together and read with enthusiasm the bolded lines. The leader will read the non-bolded lines.
(Leader) As a prophet of old flipped over the temple tables, we too declare a time of overturning has come.
(People) The time for coal is no more!
We bear witness to the harm, to the smog in our skies and the soot in our lungs,
to a future in danger, to life cut short before it blossoms.
Our health, our economy, and our water suffer at the hands of negligence.
It’s time to turn the tables, to make right what has been wronged.
For the young people among us–who should dream as high as the birds fly–
it’s our duty to plant a path, green and vibrant and true.
In the richness of our various traditions, we find a common thread:
A call to care for all life, a way of love for all beings.
MidAmerican Energy, we ask you – where is your moral compass?
It’s time to turn the tables, to use energy pure as the heart of a child.
We come together, not from disagreement or hatred, but from hope.
It’s time to reject coal, and to adapt and rapidly pursue green energy.
It’s time to turn the tables, from day’s dawn ’til the coal is gone.
In our united demand, we see a brighter tomorrow, and a transformed world is born.
It’s time to turn the tables, and we know this to be true:
Our hands are blessed. Our commitment is strengthened.
Our future is clear and bright! MidAmerican Energy, with one voice we say: Clean up your act!
Written by Iowa IPL associate director, Tim Gossett