Carbon Calculator

Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

What is a carbon footprint?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary global warming pollutant produced when we burn fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. Your carbon footprint is a measure of how much carbon dioxide you produce in your daily life. In the Cool Congregations program we measure your use of gas and electricity to heat and power your home, auto and flight mileage, and garbage output.

Why do we measure it?

We teach you how to measure your footprint to get a baseline and to discover places where you might reduce it. You then measure it again later after you have made some changes to see how your actions to reduce your energy use are doing. We ask you to provide your own specific usage numbers so you get your own personal profile.

Pella CC WorkshopHow do we measure it?

We have a specially designed Excel calculator that you can use to measure your carbon footprint. Please note, your computer must have Excel to run it properly.

·  First, download this Carbon Footprint Checklist to help you gather the numbers you will need. You may need to rack your brain to remember your flights and look on the internet or make a phone call to gather your utility data.

·  Second, once you have the ‘Carbon Footprint Checklist’ filled out, download the Excel calculator.  We have a Mac version and a PC version.

·  Third, download the Carbon Calculator Tutorial for tips on using the calculator.

·  Finally, print off your pledge sheet.

You can save this information to your computer for future use.

How do I reduce it?

Look at our 25 Steps Under $25 and 25 Steps Over $25 for ideas on how to reduce. Choose a few actions to start with, write them on your pledge sheet, and post it on the refrigerator to remind you to take action.


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